
Today, I was at the park doing pictures of an absolutely adorable family.. and then this older man came up to us and asked "Is that your Fusion?" I said yes... As I stood and chatted with him about my car, and how much I loved it.. I stared at him.. into his soulful eyes.. and I thought of my pop.. who I miss SO dearly. 

And how I regret not spending more time with him, and somehow I know that my pop was right there.. I could feel his presence and now I smile with tears in my eyes.. and thank God for those little signs. <3

Today I am thankful for the greatest blessings in my life. The friends that I've made over the years...how we've lost touch and bounced right back after years.. like it was yesterday. I'm thankful for the people that have came into my life, who I no longer talk to. And I'm thankful for the people that came into my life long ago and are still here, who've never left. 

I'm thankful for the clients that have trusted me with their precious memories. These photos, of moments, frozen in time that they will be able to have forever. I don't think I can say in words how happy I am that I can call many of my clients friends, and we can sit and chat about anything all day long. So Thank you. For believing in me, more than I believed in myself sometimes. 

So this day, November 13th of 2010, I resolve to take in the moments and hold onto them.. because that is what life is all about. These moments are life, and we have to make them the best they can be. I don't want to look back in a few years and realize that I've floated through and not really taken the time to capture these moments for myself. 


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